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No photograph that is displayed and posted on this blog may be reproduced, copied, stored, manipulated or used in whole or in part of a derivative work without the prior written permission of the Copyright (c) Owner & Photographer: Trevor David Betts BA (Hons). All rights reserved.


If you want to use any of my photographs displayed upon this blog, for inclusion in an essay, presentation, talk, or for posting on your blog or web site. Or for use in any other way or means. Then it would be very much appreciated if you could contact me first (as a matter of courtesy and decency) to seek my permission to use any of my photographs. Failure to do so is breach of my copyright and rights.

Saturday, 25 February 2012


Another example of a multiple exposure, produced as always in the camera. This is a straight-forward monochrome photographic print. The actual image is of a Mountain Bike's gear's and pedals.

Kingston upon Hull, North Humberside, England.

From a 9231 City & Guilds Certificate in Photography course in the Constructed Image module that I did at Hull Community Artworks, 1992-93.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Friday, 24 February 2012



Renowned photographer Sir Simon Marsden, who specialised in gritty black and white images of subjects including mystical landscapes, Gothic graveyards and old ruins, has died aged 63.

Simon first developed an interest in photography when his father, a keen landscape photographer, gave him a Leica for his 21st birthday.

'I instantly became hooked on photography. What intrigued me most was the magic of time and light and the enigma of "reality" that these elements conjured up.'

Gray Levett, co-founder of Nikon camera dealer Grays of Westminster, paid tribute to the photographer, who he described as a good friend. The pair first met in 1992 when Simon called into his store, which is based in Pimlico, London.

Gray was a big fan of the photographer's work. Gray told AP: 'He was completely unique as a photographer... I like his pictures of stone circles and ruined castles and some of his photographs of landscapes and buildings are hauntingly beautiful. Simon created his own world and had a lot of followers. He had an eye, but was also a gifted writer.'

Gray's comments were echoed by Andrew Skirrow, whose company designed and built the photographer's website. 'I believe he was one of the most collected photographers on the planet,' said Andrew.

'Photography was, for Simon, beyond just taking pictures. He was very into the art and communication aspects. He also felt passionately about how the rapid march of technology was not helping people to communicate face-to-face with each other.'

Simon shunned digital cameras and was a devotee of the Nikkormat FTn and FT2 cameras added, Gray. 'I believe he was the largest user of infrared film in the world.'

Speaking about his interest in 'supernatural', Simon wrote: 'From the very beginning of recorded time all the great civilisations of our world have believed in ghosts and the supernatural in some form or other. 'These are ancient mysteries and to dismiss them is to deny ourselves that arcane knowledge of the past that has ultimately fashioned our lives.'

To view Simon's work visit: www.simonmarsden.co.uk

From an article in Amateur Photographer magazine, 24 February 2012. This is an edited version.

Footnote: I first became aware of his photography when studying at Hull College in 1995. I came across one of his books: "The Haunted Realm: ghosts, witches and other strange tales (1986). In my own personal opinion his photographic prints are exceptional, a very talented photographer and darkroom printer. You only have to visit his website to view his portfolio to realise that he was very gifted individual. 'I was sad to hear of his passing, I admired his photography'.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


Another pair of images from this series. The first image is an acetate sheet featuring a modern disruptive pattern mode British Army camouflaged combat jacket, with the actual service number of one of the fallen from this British Army infantry unit highlighted in red. The jacket was scanned on my Epsom Pro 1600 Scanner.

All the flowers featured are red roses. The photographic print is a monochrome print that was selenium toned. For further details on this set of images, please see and read earlier posts.

Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From an assignment for a Higher National Diploma (Design) Photography course that I did at Bradford and Ilkey Community College, 1998-2001.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Sunday, 19 February 2012


Another example of a straight forward monochrome photographic print. Then the very same print given a two bath sepia toning. This clearly illustrates the tonal changes and added print depth that a sepia toner process gives to a print.

You have to be carefully though because the sepia makes dark (shadow areas) even darker. Obviously the finished effect will depend upon several things. The strength of the toner, the original exposure of the print under the enlarger, time the print is immersed in the toner (the longer it is immersed in the first part of this two batch chemical process, the more pronounced the effect will be).

Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From my The Remembrance Series Project, 2000-2002.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts.
All rights reserved.

Saturday, 18 February 2012


Another former old warehouse building. This one, Warehouse 12 is now a night club. It started off being  named The Waterfront, now it is currently known as The Sugar Mill. This is a full frame monochrome photographic print. The dark edges were produced by filing back along all four edges of the negative carrier, in the Enlarger.

Posterngate, Kingston upon Hull, North Humberside, England.

From a City & Guilds 9231 Certificate in Photography, Photographing Buildings module, 1989.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


Another monochrome photographic print from my Barriers Project.

Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From my Barriers Project,1997-1998.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Sunday, 12 February 2012


This one is another multiple exposure where the long telephoto lens was slowly zoomed out from each separate exposure. There are about a dozen different exposures on this one, it's of a window box full of flowers. But has stated elsewhere on this blog, I feel that you get the best results from the least amount of exposures. A colour photographic print.

Kingston upon Hull, North Humberside, England.

From no specific project as such (just experimenting).

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Saturday, 11 February 2012


No this is not from my Barriers Project. It's actually a zoomed multiple exposure of four separate exposures of the same view and structure. Each exposure, the long telephoto lens was moved slightly back before pressing the shutter button. The aperture and exposure were kept the same on each zoom.

The River Hull Tidal Barrier, Kingston upon Hull, North Humberside, England.

From an assignment for the City & Guilds 9231 Certificate in Photography for the Image Derivation module, which I did at Hull Community Artworks in 1992.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Friday, 10 February 2012


From my series of acetate sheets/selenium toned monochrome photographic prints. That honour the fallen from this British Army infantry unit. For further details on this project please see and read earlier posts.

Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From an assignment for the Higher National Diploma (Design) Photography course that I did at Bradford & Ilkley Community College, 1998-2001.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


This sepia toned monochrome photographic print features two photos/postcards of soldiers from the East Yorkshire Regiment marching on a public road circa 1914. There was a Training Depot at Victoria Barracks, Beverley, East Yorkshire. If you pass by this location today, you will see part of the original main entrance that has been converted into apartments. Just behind these buildings is a modern Supermarket.

Other items featured in this still-life study are British Army Corporals chevrons/stripes (my own) and white lillys.

Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From my Remembrance Series Project, 2000-2002.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


This is another monochrome full tone reversal photographic print. The young lady is one of my great nieces, and she was about 3 years old when I took this portrait. For further details on this technique and to see another example please see the 22 January 2012 post on this blog.

Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From a 9231 City & Guilds Certificate in Photography for the Image Derivation module that I did at Hull Community Artworks in 1992.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Sunday, 5 February 2012


This is a straight forward monochrome photographic print of a studio still-life study. It consists of red tulips, original monochrome photographic prints of a meeting between Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt in WWII on board HMS King George V (which were kindly loaned to me to photograph and return). In the top right picture is Winston Churchill and the President of the United States of America is seated far left, bottom corner.

The "Zones of France," is a silk map that was issued to Commando Troops and RAF Pilots. This was kindly loaned to me by a former WWII British Army Commando. These maps could be folded up and were sometimes stitched into the clothing of the recipient to avoid casual detection by the enemy.

Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From my Remembrance Series Project, 2000-2002.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.


An old wooden fence with a tree in blossom.  Near to the site of the old Wilmington Railway Station.

Bankside, Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From my Barriers Series, 1997-98.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Friday, 3 February 2012


Warehouse 13 now a residential block of apartments. Originally a former warehouse close to the Humber and Railway Docks, now part of the Marina. At one time there where dozens of warehouses in Hull but due to enemy air raids during WWII and modernisation very few remain today.

The Marina, Kingston upon Hull, North Humberside, England.

For a 9231 City & Guilds Certificate in Photography for the Photographing Buildings module that I did at The Posterngate Workshop in Hull, 1989.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


Another selenium toned monochrome photographic print and an acetate overlay, in this series of prints honouring the fallen from this British Army infantry unit. For further details please see the 11 January 2012 post.

Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

For an assignment I did for the Higher National Diploma in (Design) Photography at Bradford & Ilkley Community College, 1998-2001.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.



To my Photo Blog,

All my monochrome photography is darkroom produced. This portfolio consists of photographs from several of my projects, assignments, personal and course related work. Some of these monochrome photographic prints are then selectively toned.

Take a look at the slide show, or the popular posts. Click onto some of the many excellent blogs that I have listed in my blog roll. I welcome constructive feedback (post a comment).

Click onto the links in some of my posts which will then take you to the relevant website link where you will be able to find out more about that location, charity or organisation etc featured in the post and which is relevant to that specific image.

Also please click onto my links. Join my blog and my Google + followers. If you would like to know more about any particular photograph or project then please send me an email. My email address is at the foot of this page.

Also from time to time I will post videos that are of interest to me, mainly from my military background.

Yours sincerely

Trevor David Betts BA (Hons)



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All the photographs featured on this blog spot were taken on Canon analog 35mm SLR cameras which included: Canon A1, Canon AE1 (non-programme) and Canon T90. The Canon A1 was rendered useless after prolonged exposure to salt spray residue, and the AE1 suffered a malfunction, and one of my T90s just packed up on me during a photographic shoot.

Most of my camera equipment was initially purchased brand new, then as the years have past I have purchased second-hand equipment. But the vast majority of equipment I currently possess is well over twenty years old.

Canon FD lenses used were: 28, and 35mm wide angle, 50mm standard, 35-105mm short telephoto zoom and a 70-210mm large telephoto zoom lenses. Also used was a loaned Mamiya 645 with 50 and 80mm lenses. My favourite combination is a T90 fitted with the 35-105mm lens with an Hoya orange filter. I use Hoya orange, red, neutral density, and skylight filters. Hoya and Canon lens hoods. A Canon remote cable. I have used a great Metz 45 CT-4 flashgun for many years. I used this for the bounced and fill-in flash for some of the documentary and portraiture work.

Studio flash used was Courtenay brolly flash (just two heads fitted with soft boxes) at Hull Community Artworks studio (sadly this excellent local arts facility closed in 2001). Billingham and Tamrac camera bags (the Billingham is a old model that I have had for years - wonderful bags). The Tamrac one is a medium sized back pack type bag. Slik Black Diamond 88, and 500 DX Pro tripods. A Cullmann touring set (which consists of a light tripod, ball and swivel head, all-purpose clamp, suction cap, and a ground spike). I presently have three Canon T90 and one A1 SLR cameras.

Film used was mainly 35mm (with some 120mm). Ilford Delta monochrome negative print film, 100 asa (a few rolls of 400 asa as well). Ilford HP5 and FP4 (400 and 125 asa respectively). Fuji Neopan 400 asa. Various Fuji colour film. Photographic chemicals: Ilford ID-11 and Microphen film developers. Agfa Rodinal fine grain film developer, and Ilford Hypam fixer.

Photographic paper: Ilford Multigrade IV VC paper, Fibre based VC paper including warm and cool tone. Kentmere Velvet Stipple and Art Document papers. Kodak selenium toner. Barclay and Fotospeed sepia toners, and Colorvir blue toner. Durst M60 and Meopta 5 enlargers fitted with 50 and 80mm Schneider lenses. Kenro negative sheets and Jessops negative folders.

Most of my photography involves the use of the camera being securely mounted onto the tripod, with the shutter set to the 10 second delay. I bracket my exposures (relying on the excellent Canon in-camera meter). My aperture settings are usually between F5.6 and F22. In the vast majority of cases the very first exposure I take is usually the correctly exposed one.

Finished photographic prints (spotted if needed). At the 10 x 8 inch size are then scanned on an Epsom 1660 photo perfection scanner using Adope Photoshop CS2 at the 5.5 x 3.5 inch image or canvas size, 150 dpi and at the 750 x 550 pixels size, and saved as for the web. The only thing that is manipulated is the brightness balance and contrast levels.


"It is the soldier, not the minister, who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to fair protest.

It is the soldier, not the politician, who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the soldier, whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag."

From: "Fighting for Queen and Country,
by Nigel 'Spud' Ely. Blake Publishing London, 2007.