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No photograph that is displayed and posted on this blog may be reproduced, copied, stored, manipulated or used in whole or in part of a derivative work without the prior written permission of the Copyright (c) Owner & Photographer: Trevor David Betts BA (Hons). All rights reserved.


If you want to use any of my photographs displayed upon this blog, for inclusion in an essay, presentation, talk, or for posting on your blog or web site. Or for use in any other way or means. Then it would be very much appreciated if you could contact me first (as a matter of courtesy and decency) to seek my permission to use any of my photographs. Failure to do so is breach of my copyright and rights.

Saturday, 12 December 2009


With immediate effect I will no longer be uploading any new images to this blog (investigation pending) This is due to external and unknown forces (well, unknown to me) messing with my images. I am in the process of investigating this at the moment. You just do not know who is downloading your work and perhaps passing it off as their own.

Therefore all I can say is just be aware of the following happening to your own blog. The culprit that seems to be doing this is http://2.bp.blogspot.com There are other number variations on this address such as the added prefix of 1,3 and 4 etc. You will note as well that there is no www. prefix to this blogs address. Perhaps they might have the decency to contact me and explain their actions.

I am sure that I have not given anyone permission to copy my work and pass it off as their own. What I find so annoying is the fact that this is a blogspot.com address. Personally I cannot stand computer hackers of any shape or form. This is, in my opinion a breach of my copyright and basically an infringement of my privacy.

As such I would suggest that when you scan any of your own work/images then you do so at a low resolution and size. At the same time I would advise you to put a watermark/copyright sign on it (that is if you wish to do that, to help protect your work even more). Also read the small script beforehand, and any information and tips which will help you in the long run.

Perhaps I have been a little naive in thinking that my photographs would be safe from public manipulation and interference. But you have corporate hackers and as well as individuals.

I would appreciate any relevant advice from blogger's who might have experienced the same problem. So everyone please be aware of what is happening to me. Future ongoing investigations will determine if I continue with this blog. I hope to do so, but for the time being I am putting a hold on uploading any new images.

Trevor David Betts BA (Hons.)

12th December 2009.


  1. It is scary how vulnerable we are when we display ourselves and our work online. The theft of my own work is something I worry about from time to time myself, but (touch wood) nothing like this has happened to me before. Perhaps I should be more careful all the same.

    I hope you find a way to stop this happening. It would be a shame to lose your photographs round here.

  2. I have had an email from someone who sent me some info on this subject. Basically it is very difficult for anyone on such a public blog, which is owned and maintained by such a large corporate concern as google because it is they who own blogger. To safe guard your work 100%. You cannot really stop anyone downloading it. You can make it more difficult for them such as by scanning your work in a very small size 150 dpi. Then putting a watermark on it. It also might be due to the fact that I have recently updated Firefox and it could be a problem with my browser. I will keep you up to date with regards this subject and I will post my findings on here.

  3. I had once a guy from San Francisco, he just copied the whole Website and sold the pictures as his own photographs. Happily, my PPA Organization helped me out very well and quick. The legal department wrote him a letter and we wrote to GoDaddy, his hosting place and the website was gone in seconds!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your problem. Unfortunately, it's very hard to get the people who are doing things like that! I wish you luck for your case!!

    Thank you so much for your good wishes on my blog. I wish you also Merry Christmas and a happy new year with peace for all of us.


  4. Thank you.

    Yes sadly there are people like that about, with no scruples and of low moral values. Thank you for the advice.

    I wish you the same sentiments.

  5. The servers mentioned are Google's. You can take several steps to prevent copyright violations: cover your images with a clear .gif, host your blog and images on your own server and install a script that prevents anything from being downloaded, never offer anything for free that you could sell. By posting your photos online, you are publishing them to the world.

  6. Hope you get the destructor for your blog soon and give him the punishment that he never dares to repeat it again.this is really very bad deed, such things really gets on to my nerves like anything.

    r4 ds




To my Photo Blog,

All my monochrome photography is darkroom produced. This portfolio consists of photographs from several of my projects, assignments, personal and course related work. Some of these monochrome photographic prints are then selectively toned.

Take a look at the slide show, or the popular posts. Click onto some of the many excellent blogs that I have listed in my blog roll. I welcome constructive feedback (post a comment).

Click onto the links in some of my posts which will then take you to the relevant website link where you will be able to find out more about that location, charity or organisation etc featured in the post and which is relevant to that specific image.

Also please click onto my links. Join my blog and my Google + followers. If you would like to know more about any particular photograph or project then please send me an email. My email address is at the foot of this page.

Also from time to time I will post videos that are of interest to me, mainly from my military background.

Yours sincerely

Trevor David Betts BA (Hons)



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All the photographs featured on this blog spot were taken on Canon analog 35mm SLR cameras which included: Canon A1, Canon AE1 (non-programme) and Canon T90. The Canon A1 was rendered useless after prolonged exposure to salt spray residue, and the AE1 suffered a malfunction, and one of my T90s just packed up on me during a photographic shoot.

Most of my camera equipment was initially purchased brand new, then as the years have past I have purchased second-hand equipment. But the vast majority of equipment I currently possess is well over twenty years old.

Canon FD lenses used were: 28, and 35mm wide angle, 50mm standard, 35-105mm short telephoto zoom and a 70-210mm large telephoto zoom lenses. Also used was a loaned Mamiya 645 with 50 and 80mm lenses. My favourite combination is a T90 fitted with the 35-105mm lens with an Hoya orange filter. I use Hoya orange, red, neutral density, and skylight filters. Hoya and Canon lens hoods. A Canon remote cable. I have used a great Metz 45 CT-4 flashgun for many years. I used this for the bounced and fill-in flash for some of the documentary and portraiture work.

Studio flash used was Courtenay brolly flash (just two heads fitted with soft boxes) at Hull Community Artworks studio (sadly this excellent local arts facility closed in 2001). Billingham and Tamrac camera bags (the Billingham is a old model that I have had for years - wonderful bags). The Tamrac one is a medium sized back pack type bag. Slik Black Diamond 88, and 500 DX Pro tripods. A Cullmann touring set (which consists of a light tripod, ball and swivel head, all-purpose clamp, suction cap, and a ground spike). I presently have three Canon T90 and one A1 SLR cameras.

Film used was mainly 35mm (with some 120mm). Ilford Delta monochrome negative print film, 100 asa (a few rolls of 400 asa as well). Ilford HP5 and FP4 (400 and 125 asa respectively). Fuji Neopan 400 asa. Various Fuji colour film. Photographic chemicals: Ilford ID-11 and Microphen film developers. Agfa Rodinal fine grain film developer, and Ilford Hypam fixer.

Photographic paper: Ilford Multigrade IV VC paper, Fibre based VC paper including warm and cool tone. Kentmere Velvet Stipple and Art Document papers. Kodak selenium toner. Barclay and Fotospeed sepia toners, and Colorvir blue toner. Durst M60 and Meopta 5 enlargers fitted with 50 and 80mm Schneider lenses. Kenro negative sheets and Jessops negative folders.

Most of my photography involves the use of the camera being securely mounted onto the tripod, with the shutter set to the 10 second delay. I bracket my exposures (relying on the excellent Canon in-camera meter). My aperture settings are usually between F5.6 and F22. In the vast majority of cases the very first exposure I take is usually the correctly exposed one.

Finished photographic prints (spotted if needed). At the 10 x 8 inch size are then scanned on an Epsom 1660 photo perfection scanner using Adope Photoshop CS2 at the 5.5 x 3.5 inch image or canvas size, 150 dpi and at the 750 x 550 pixels size, and saved as for the web. The only thing that is manipulated is the brightness balance and contrast levels.


"It is the soldier, not the minister, who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to fair protest.

It is the soldier, not the politician, who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the soldier, whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag."

From: "Fighting for Queen and Country,
by Nigel 'Spud' Ely. Blake Publishing London, 2007.