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No photograph that is displayed and posted on this blog may be reproduced, copied, stored, manipulated or used in whole or in part of a derivative work without the prior written permission of the Copyright (c) Owner & Photographer: Trevor David Betts BA (Hons). All rights reserved.


If you want to use any of my photographs displayed upon this blog, for inclusion in an essay, presentation, talk, or for posting on your blog or web site. Or for use in any other way or means. Then it would be very much appreciated if you could contact me first (as a matter of courtesy and decency) to seek my permission to use any of my photographs. Failure to do so is breach of my copyright and rights.

Sunday, 29 April 2012


A sepia toned and portrait format print of this same image appears on the 17 June 2010 posting on this blog. This one is a straight-forward darkroom produced monochrome photographic print. It is my own representation of the 'Pink Floyd' track: Time, from their classic Dark Side of the Moon LP.

The image consists of an ordinary clock which was surrounded on two sides by mirror tiles (hence the reflections) then a series of zoomed exposures were taken (as always in the camera). It was lit by a household lamp.

Kingston upon upon Hull, North Humberside, England.

From a 9231 City & Guilds Photography Certificate course at Hull Community Artworks in the Constructed Images module, circa 1993.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Thursday, 26 April 2012


Another Photo gram from an experimental darkroom session. Items featured include Christmas Tree baubles and tinsel. Along with cocktail sticks and a scouring pad. Under the safety light you position the photograph paper under the masking frame then carefully place each item on top of this, then expose the print as per normal and process in the normal way.

Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From no specific project as such.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Sunday, 22 April 2012


The paintwork on this door is faded and beginning to peel away. A white painted door, entrance to a fruit warehouse.

The Humber Street Area, Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From a personal project about this area, 2007-.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Saturday, 21 April 2012


The duty vet and veterinary nurses prepare a canine patient for treatment. In one of the Treatment rooms at this busy Centre. I did not use direct flash on this project (due to obvious reasons). The film used was Ilford HP5 uprated to 32000 asa and developed in Microphen. This project was exhibited at: The PDSA Animal Treatment Centre, Artlink, Hull and Stephenson's Car Showroom, Brigg (as part of the Brigg Live Arts Festival).

The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) Animal Treatment Centre, Kingston upon Hull,
East Yorkshire, England.

From my For the Animals Project, 1989. This was the assignment for a City & Guilds 9231 Photography module (Social Documentary).

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Thursday, 19 April 2012


A social gathering takes place at the annual Brigg Horse Fair. You can see a traditional horse drawn caravan in the background. Think of Toad's adventure's on the open road in 'The Wind in the Willows,' and you are there!!!

Brigg Horse Fair, Brigg, North Lincolnshire, England.

From no specific project as such, circa 2000.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012


That famous and well established logo makes another appearance. Shadows from the natural light drifting in through the car showroom windows helps to make a perfect reflection on the bonnet of this three pointed star.

Car Showroom, Anlaby Road, Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From no specific project as such, circa 1997.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Sunday, 15 April 2012


A Celtic Cross in the overgrown Sculcoates Cemetery. Depending upon your faith and beliefs this is perhaps the final barrier we as humans have to face.

Sculcoates Cemetery, Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From my Barriers Project, 1998.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Thursday, 12 April 2012


Another image from the historic 'Brigg Horse Fair.' One of the Traders takes a break.

The Brigg Horse Fair, Brigg, North Lincolnshire, England.

From no specific project as such, 2000.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Monday, 9 April 2012


The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (P.D.S.A.) relies on public donations to carry out it's work in looking after and giving veterinary care to mainly domestic animals whose owner's cannot afford private veterinary costs to assist their sick animals. Here we have a fund raising event taking place.

West Park, Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From my For the Animals Project, 2000-2002. Also this was the project for the Social Documentary module City & Guilds 9231 Certificate course that I did at The Posterngate Photography Workshop in 1989.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Saturday, 7 April 2012


A public house that has stood on this very site for many years. I even remember this pub from my youth when I used to catch the Ferry for New Holland from the nearby Victoria Pier. Prints like these are always difficult to print due to the highlights and shadows detail. The street lights in this image could have done to be burned in a bit more. I have used the white painted metal railing in the foreground to lead the eye into the picture.

The Nelson Street Area, Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From a personal project about the Humber Street and Marina Area, 2007-.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All right reserved.

Friday, 6 April 2012


That famous logo makes another appearance. In the same car showroom as before.

Car Showroom, Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From no specific project, circa 1997..

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Thursday, 5 April 2012


A very young fair headed man with a Shetland Pony for sale. At this annual Horse Fair.

Brigg Horse Fair, Brigg, North Lincolnshire, England.

From no specific project as such, circa 2000.

Copyright of all images displayed on this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012



SITTING on my desk are two large leather-bound albums, each containing about 600 photographs, all taken by my late father. As far as I am aware, all the images were taken on his Pocket Ensign 'All Distance' Model No.1. The second album was completed in about 1957.

Their contents represent a pictorial record of his life that saw him serve in Gallpoli, Turkey during the First World War, work, play and socialise throughout the 1920s and get married in the '30s. When I came along in 1938, he continued to snap away, recording my early childhood. However, my father was not a photographic enthusiast, or indeed an amateur photographer. He simply took 'snaps', which is what it proudly announces in gold and black on the cover of each album. Practically, all the images are simple contact prints, many now in faded sepia, without any particular merit. Nevertheless, to me they are a priceless record of his life, family, friends, surroundings and dwellings. They not only show the ever-changing environment, but also give a fascinating glimpse of his motor cycles, cars and places visited.

I, by contrast, am an enthusiastic amateur photographer, who constantly seeking to capture the sort of images that could hopefully grace the pages of AP. Inspired by my late father's efforts. I systematically organise and file my photographs into appropriate folders and albums, and in addition to my 'serious' photography I try to record the same sort of things he did.

On day I hope that my children and grandchildren will appreciate my efforts as much as I have treasured my father's, but I have serious doubts about this. They all have digital cameras and mobile phones, and like so many of us these days, they take hundreds of images that clog up their memory cards and laptops. It seems to me the only guaranteed destination for some of them will be Facebook and the rest will just languish until something seizes up.

My father had to first purchase a roll of film, and then pay hard-earned cash to have it processed, and because of this, every exposure would have been carefully considered. By contrast, digital photography is 'free' until you actually commit to a print.

I believe before we press the shutter, we should ask ourselves what we intend to do the actual photograph. I think we should also try to record as many interesting happenings in our lives, such as family and friends, and places that are likely to change, so that in the years to come others can see what has happened. The chances are the classic landscape will be there for others to capture, but can you say the same about other things in your life?

From an article in the Back Chat Section of Amateur Photographer magazine 7 April 2012 issue by AP Reader Bob Rowles.

An edited version appears here.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012


You can just make out this well known and established car manufacturer by the famous logo located in the far top right of this photographic image. I really like the almost diffused reflections of some of the showroom lights reflected in the body paint work of this model. It's abstract in content.

Car Showroom, Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

From no specific project as such, circa 1997.

Copyright of all images displayed on this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.

Monday, 2 April 2012


From time-to-time I delete and update items on this blog spot. Primarily I am concerned with monochrome film based photography and I have stumbled across two excellent film photography related blogs recently. Like all the blogs on my blog roll list they are well worth a much closer investigation.

So have a much closer look at: Film is not dead and 52 cameras. Just scroll down the right hand menu page until you come to my blog roll and click on the relevant link. Film is dead is abbreviated as F.N.D.

Enjoy your blogging and photography.


Trevor David Betts

2nd April 2012.

Sunday, 1 April 2012


A gathering of elders. Catching up on all the latest news and talking horses.

Brigg Horse Fair, Brigg, North Lincolnshire, England.

From no specific project as such, circa 2000.

Copyright of all images displayed upon this blog spot are the exclusive property of Trevor David Betts. All rights reserved.



To my Photo Blog,

All my monochrome photography is darkroom produced. This portfolio consists of photographs from several of my projects, assignments, personal and course related work. Some of these monochrome photographic prints are then selectively toned.

Take a look at the slide show, or the popular posts. Click onto some of the many excellent blogs that I have listed in my blog roll. I welcome constructive feedback (post a comment).

Click onto the links in some of my posts which will then take you to the relevant website link where you will be able to find out more about that location, charity or organisation etc featured in the post and which is relevant to that specific image.

Also please click onto my links. Join my blog and my Google + followers. If you would like to know more about any particular photograph or project then please send me an email. My email address is at the foot of this page.

Also from time to time I will post videos that are of interest to me, mainly from my military background.

Yours sincerely

Trevor David Betts BA (Hons)



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All the photographs featured on this blog spot were taken on Canon analog 35mm SLR cameras which included: Canon A1, Canon AE1 (non-programme) and Canon T90. The Canon A1 was rendered useless after prolonged exposure to salt spray residue, and the AE1 suffered a malfunction, and one of my T90s just packed up on me during a photographic shoot.

Most of my camera equipment was initially purchased brand new, then as the years have past I have purchased second-hand equipment. But the vast majority of equipment I currently possess is well over twenty years old.

Canon FD lenses used were: 28, and 35mm wide angle, 50mm standard, 35-105mm short telephoto zoom and a 70-210mm large telephoto zoom lenses. Also used was a loaned Mamiya 645 with 50 and 80mm lenses. My favourite combination is a T90 fitted with the 35-105mm lens with an Hoya orange filter. I use Hoya orange, red, neutral density, and skylight filters. Hoya and Canon lens hoods. A Canon remote cable. I have used a great Metz 45 CT-4 flashgun for many years. I used this for the bounced and fill-in flash for some of the documentary and portraiture work.

Studio flash used was Courtenay brolly flash (just two heads fitted with soft boxes) at Hull Community Artworks studio (sadly this excellent local arts facility closed in 2001). Billingham and Tamrac camera bags (the Billingham is a old model that I have had for years - wonderful bags). The Tamrac one is a medium sized back pack type bag. Slik Black Diamond 88, and 500 DX Pro tripods. A Cullmann touring set (which consists of a light tripod, ball and swivel head, all-purpose clamp, suction cap, and a ground spike). I presently have three Canon T90 and one A1 SLR cameras.

Film used was mainly 35mm (with some 120mm). Ilford Delta monochrome negative print film, 100 asa (a few rolls of 400 asa as well). Ilford HP5 and FP4 (400 and 125 asa respectively). Fuji Neopan 400 asa. Various Fuji colour film. Photographic chemicals: Ilford ID-11 and Microphen film developers. Agfa Rodinal fine grain film developer, and Ilford Hypam fixer.

Photographic paper: Ilford Multigrade IV VC paper, Fibre based VC paper including warm and cool tone. Kentmere Velvet Stipple and Art Document papers. Kodak selenium toner. Barclay and Fotospeed sepia toners, and Colorvir blue toner. Durst M60 and Meopta 5 enlargers fitted with 50 and 80mm Schneider lenses. Kenro negative sheets and Jessops negative folders.

Most of my photography involves the use of the camera being securely mounted onto the tripod, with the shutter set to the 10 second delay. I bracket my exposures (relying on the excellent Canon in-camera meter). My aperture settings are usually between F5.6 and F22. In the vast majority of cases the very first exposure I take is usually the correctly exposed one.

Finished photographic prints (spotted if needed). At the 10 x 8 inch size are then scanned on an Epsom 1660 photo perfection scanner using Adope Photoshop CS2 at the 5.5 x 3.5 inch image or canvas size, 150 dpi and at the 750 x 550 pixels size, and saved as for the web. The only thing that is manipulated is the brightness balance and contrast levels.


"It is the soldier, not the minister, who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to fair protest.

It is the soldier, not the politician, who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the soldier, whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag."

From: "Fighting for Queen and Country,
by Nigel 'Spud' Ely. Blake Publishing London, 2007.